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This newspaper article advocates for the election of Lawyer G. Edward Dickerson as representative of the Second Senatorial District of Philadelphia. It lists the many times he has stood up for African-American citizens, including how he defended…

An image of George Howard Earle III, 30th governor of Pennsylvania from 1935-1939.

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The Tenderloin "flophouse" was owned by Leon Weingrad, brother of Albert Weingrad, who an inspector of voting lists. Flophouses were locations of criminal activity in the Tenderloin district. On the back of the image, 52 men were listed as…

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Photo of the Home of the Citizens Republican Club, S. 15th Street, Philadelphia, PA

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Photo of Edward Henry, an African-American lawyer in Philadelphia, City Magistrate, President of the Citizens Republican Club, and influential figure in the African-American community.

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The Citizens Republican Club is the oldest social organization in the city for African-American men. Founded in 1875 by Andrew Stevens, the members of the club were the elite of Black Philadelphia. 87 years later, in 1962 the club was still…

Photo of William Vare, member of the Philadelphia Republican Vare Machine. Along with his brothers, George and Edwin, the Vare's controlled a large portion of South Philadelphia.

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Promotional page containing the portraits of numerous notable figures, responsible for the leadership and development of the Democratic Party in Philadelphia.

Campaign poster of Al Smith for the 1928 Presidential election.

A photograph of political figure Marcus Garvey, taken August 5, 1924

On the Monday and Tuesday prior to Saturday May 2, 1914, the date of publication of this article, The Negro Protective League of Pennsylvania met in Philadelphia. Among the speakers at the engagement was RR Wright Jr. The article discusses Senator…

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A poster for Pennsylvania's First Congressional District's upcoming mass meeting at the Zion A. M. E. Church.

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A poster outlining the upcoming political, educational, and civic rally for black empowerment.

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A poster announcing the upcoming rally at the Citizens' Republican Club

This is the second half of a list of Pennsylvania State Senators. The creator of the list wanted to encourage the public to call their state senator and request them to vote in favor of the Equal Rights Bill of 1921.

This is the first half of a list of Pennsylvania State Senators. The creator of the list wanted to encourage the public to call their state senator and request them to vote in favor of the Equal Rights Bill of 1921.

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An ad which lists reasons why African Americans to vote Democratic instead of Republican. Lists positive aspects and reasons why African Americans should vote Democratic, as well as negative reasons why African Americans should not vote Republican.

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A flyer for Good Neighbor League, Inc., advertising a political event held at the Roi Davis Auditorium in Toledo, Ohio on October 14, 1936 at 8:15 PM. The guest speakers presented in the flyer are Joel E. Springarn, who spoke on the subject, "As a…
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