Adults Seize Opportunity to Acquire Education Here
Adults Seize Opportunity to Acquire Education Here
Norris S. Barratt Elementary School, Gen. John F. Reynold Elementary School, Mayer Sulzberger Junior High School, Norris S. Barratt Evening School, Gen. John F. Reynold Evening School, Mayer Sulzberger Evening School
An account of night classes in basic education held at Philadelphia schools for AfricanAmerican students. Charles Vance personally attended night classes offered at Barratt Middle School as part of the Barratt Evening School program.
Philadelphia Tribune
Philadelphia Tribune
WCU HIS 601/HON 452 Great Migration and Digital Storytelling, Fall 2014
Oct 28, 1937
Ben Spohn, Erica Knorr
Used by permission of the Philadelphia Tribune Company, Inc. All rights reserved. The Philadelphia Tribune, with 130 years of continuous publication, is the oldest newspaper in the United States serving the African-American community.
Many Attending Night School For First "Introduction" To School Background Benefits
Barratt, Reynolds, Sulzberger Evening Schools carry Full Schedule of Alert Pupils
WHEN the school bell rang for the opening of the fall term in September, hundreds of adults turned their steps toward the school doors and back into the classrooms for another school year.
In Barratt, Reynolds, and Sulzberger Evening Schools, classes took on new life and vigor. Old students brought new ones with them, some of whome had never attended school a day in their lives but who at thirty, forty, and in many cases fifty or sixty years of age or over had decided to grasp this chance to help themselves learn the things they did not know, and to ddo the things they previously had been unable to do.
Barratt, Reynolds, Sulzberger Evening Schools carry Full Schedule of Alert Pupils
WHEN the school bell rang for the opening of the fall term in September, hundreds of adults turned their steps toward the school doors and back into the classrooms for another school year.
In Barratt, Reynolds, and Sulzberger Evening Schools, classes took on new life and vigor. Old students brought new ones with them, some of whome had never attended school a day in their lives but who at thirty, forty, and in many cases fifty or sixty years of age or over had decided to grasp this chance to help themselves learn the things they did not know, and to ddo the things they previously had been unable to do.
Original Format
Philadelphia Tribune, “Adults Seize Opportunity to Acquire Education Here,” Goin' North, accessed October 8, 2024,