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North 44th Street.png
A photo of the rowhouses on North 44th Street in Philadelphia. This neighborhood, Mantua, in West Philadelphia was where many moved to escape the congestion of South Philadelphia in the 1920s.

Hutchinson Business.jpg
This photo shows the small business, a retail grocery and luncheonette, that was owned by Fannie Hutchinson.

Newton School.jpg
The Newton School was located on 36th Street between Walnut Street and Chestnut Street. The school was an integrated elementary school. I. Maximilian Martin Jr. attended the school, but not until after his father Isadore Martin Sr. threatened…

West Phila High.jpg
An image of West Philadelphia High School taken on October 19, 1934 with students in front of the building.

I Max Martin Sr. (2).jpg
This photograph of Isadore Maximilian Martin Sr. was taken in front of the office of Isadore Martin, Inc., Realtor. Martin was the founder and president of the company. He served as a prominent realtor in West Philadelphia, among the African…

This is an image of homes on 58th street, a block in West Philadelphia of housing for black families.

This article argues that white employers are taking advantage of black women in domestic services during the Great Depression. Supposedly, because of the surplus of labor during this time, the white employer lowers the wages of their house servants…

Isadore Martin Photo.JPG
This photograph, which ran in the Philadelphia Tribune, of West Philadelphia N.A.A.C.P. shows President Preston Savage's acceptance of a $500 Life Membership check from Isadore Martin. Martin was formally the Philadelphia N.A.A.C.P. President, and…

Martin Obit Clip.JPG
The obituary from the Philadelphia Tribune documents the major accomplishments of Mr. Isadore Martin. Mr. Martin founded Isadore Martin Inc., Realtor, which was a predominately African American realtor, and was carried on by his son, I. Maximilian…

Max Martin Urban Archives daily NEws  .jpg
Maximilian Martin poses outside the Berean Savings Association, where Mr. Martin served as President. Berean Savings Association was the chosen bank of lower income Americans. Maximilian Martin was a prominent Philadelphian who fought for…

Max Martin 2 Urban Archives Daily News.jpg
Mr. Maximilian Martin, chairman of Berean Savings, inside the bank. Maximilian was the son of prominent African American Philadelphia real estate agent, Isadore Martin. Mr. I. Maximilian Martin was the chairman of the small but important African…
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