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From ExplorePAHistory: "In the 1920s, the Republican party still enjoyed an iron lock on the black voters of Philadelphia. This 1926 editorial cartoon published in the Philadelphia Tribune, the city’s oldest black owned newspaper, reflects…

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Tribune page advertising real estate in Philadelphia. Isadore Martin Sr.'s description advertises real estate and fire insurance.

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Tribune article photoing Raymond Pace Alexander and his family.

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Tribune article discussing a meeting between Real Estate Brokers Association members, including Isadore Martin Sr.

Tribune advertisement announcing Hobson R. Reynolds' run for magistrate.

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Philadelphia Tribune photo and description of William Creditt

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Newspaper clipping from the Philadelphia Tribune about a banquet honoring Utensie Hillian in 1975. The banquet was held to honor Hillian's retirement from the Zion Baptist Church Day Care center for 20 years, where she was the principal.

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Tribune photo of Isadore Martin in the year 1973

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This newspaper article from the Philadelphia Tribuneexplains Max Martin's trip to Skytop, PA on September 14 and 15 for the annual convention of the Pennsylvania Building and Loan Associations. Martin served as an official delegate for the St. Mark's…

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The Pennsylvania state legislature passed the Equal Rights Bill also known the Reynolds Bill. The article discusses the specifics of the Bill, as well as the penalties for violations.

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The newly elected members of the Pennsylvania State Legislature, John Asbury and Andrew Stevens, will "represent the race of the entire state" as they fight for equal rights.

Marshall Shepard resigns his position of recorder of deeds for the District of Columbia, in order to dedicate his full attention to an election for the same position in Philadelphia, as the first black and democratic candidate ever nominated.

This article highlights the prevalence of social groups, which formed as an outlet for community and entertainment. Outlined are the elected officers for the Broad St. Station Club, a baseball organization, as well as a description of their uniforms.…

Housekepeer aid.pdf
This article provides tips for housekeepers, including cooking and cleaning tricks and best practices. Many African American female readers would likely have worked as domestic servants in white homes.

EducationalFacilitiesinSouth, 1928.pdf
This article describes the deplorable education provided in the south and the downfalls of the educational system. It suggests that northerners had a poor outlook on southerners migrating up because of the lack of proper education.

This article discusses the recent rise of of the Ku Klux Klan throughout the country. According to the article, prominent black leaders in Philadelphia recently received threatening letters from the white supremacist group.

This brief article from the Philadelphia Tribune pays tribute to Addie W. Dickerson, wife of the reputable G. Edward Dickerson. The article highlights the admirable life of the Philadelphia lawyer.

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Newspaper article discussing how the Y.W.C.A. is attempting to find suitable rooms for new young women who have just arrived

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Newspaper article discussing plans for a protest meeting after police brutality.
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